New procedure for withholding capital gains tax

Dear investors, 

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about a change in interest payments.  

Until now, your capital gains from your investments were distributed to you without deduction of capital gains tax (final withholding tax). As an investor, you were therefore obliged to declare and pay tax on this income as part of your personal tax return.  

With the entry into force of the amendment to § 52 para. 42 sentence 2 EStG ff. on 01.01.2021, the corresponding capital gains tax will be withheld in future on all investment income paid out to you. From now on, you will therefore receive your interest paid out with the deduction of capital gains tax. The corresponding certificates for the taxes withheld will automatically be made available to you in your user account in the following year. You can take these into account when preparing your personal income tax return.  

At the present time, we are unfortunately unable to accept exemption orders, as we are not approved for the exemption order control procedure and are therefore not linked to the Federal Central Tax Office. We are currently checking whether this will be possible in the future and whether we will be able to accept your exemption orders in the future.  

If you would like to exempt yourself from paying taxes by means of a non-assessment certificate, please send it to us. The non-assessment certificate is intended for persons whose total income does not exceed the statutory basic exemption amount. You can find more information here.  

As an individual, you can apply to your tax office at your place of residence abroad for a certificate of residence abroad.  

As a company, you can apply to your company tax office for an exemption certificate confirming that the requirements of §44a para. 5 EStG are met. If we or the issuer have received this certificate in each case, your investment income can be paid to you without deduction of tax.  

If you are exempt from tax on investments in ecoligo, you are responsible for the correct taxation of the investment income.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at  

With kind regards, 

Your ecoligo team